Cigar Journal
Cigar Journal
Cigar Journal Specifications:
Size: 19cm x 12cm
Material: Genuine leather cover
Weight: 180-200 gram
Pages: 40
Review Slots: 132, with space for cigar band, date, rating, and comments
Cigar Journal: A Practical Companion for Cigar Enthusiasts
The Sisuman Cigar review Journal is crafted for cigar aficionados who value simplicity and utility in documenting their smoking experiences. Bound in genuine leather, this compact cigar diary (19cm x 12cm) is durable and portable, designed to withstand the test of time.
Inside, you’ll find 40 pages laid out with 132 slots for reviewing each cigar. Each entry provides space to attach the cigar band, note the date, record a review, and add any comments. Towards the end of the book there are room to review cigar with bigger bands, as well as room for more overall comments. This streamlined format ensures an easy, organized way to log key details without any distractions.
Ideal for those looking to keep a concise and organized record of their cigar journey, the Sisuman Cigar Journal offers a practical way to capture the essentials of each smoke. Built to last, this simple yet robust journal will provide you with an enduring record—something fascinating to look back on as your cigar experiences deepen over time.
Grab a glue stick and preserve every cigar memory in your Sisuman Cigar Journal!
Cigar Journal Specifications:
Size: 19cm x 12cm
Material: Genuine leather cover
Weight: 180-200 gram
Pages: 40
Review Slots: 132, with space for cigar band, date, rating, and comments
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